Pooja's Story


Pooja is one of the beautiful woman who was part of our very first Asha Project Women’s group. In the beginning, she was a bit shy, feeling that because she was a less educated than others, that she would not be able to learn many of the skills we were teaching. But that is why we do what we do! After a few weeks, we discovered that she both is very good at and loves making tassels! Her very first project was making tassels for our Christmas Tassel Garland. Then she saw one of our women putting saree beads together for our saree bead garland and started telling her that she should pay more attention to the colors, that this color and that color look good next to each other, that this one is too big, that one is too small, so now Pooja is our Saree Bead Garlands maker! She hand picks ever bead she puts on the garlands. Now, for the first time, she not only knows that she has unique skills and abilities, but she is using those skills to help support her family! That's what its all about!

Stories of HopeSamantha Mabe